Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Rails 3.x - Undoing commands

Controller and Action

In rails 3.x, To create a controller with actions we use this command

$ rails generate controller UserController add edit

If you want to remove the above controller and the actions

$ rails destroy controller User add edit


To create a model in rails 3

$ rails generate model User name:string mobile:string

This can be undone using

$ rails destroy model User

Database migration and rollback

To migrate the state of the database using

$ rake db:migrate

We can undo a single migration by this command

$ rake db:rollback

To go all the way back to the beginning by this command

$ rake db:migrate VERSION=0

These commands may be helpful for reverting controller, model and database migration specific changes.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Clutch.IO - Library for native iOS applications

Twitter open-sourced an easy-to-integrate library for native iOS applications which is designed to help you develop faster, deploy instantly and run A/B tests.

Git Source Repository:

AWS - Windows Server 2012

AWS Team announced available of Windows Server 2012. It comes with Free Tier, New Languages, AWS Elastic Beanstalk Support for Windows Server 2012, .NET 4.5 and Visual Studio 2012 Support, etc.

For more information and Getting Started video checkout here.


Rails 3.2.9

Rails team announced it's new release 3.2.9. It includes changes/bug fixes in Action Pack, Active Model and etc.

Have a look more information here

Monday, November 19, 2012

Front/Web Engineer's tools

Front/Web Engineers generally prefer quickly develop their application with the help of development, debug and testing tools. Check these tools. It may helpful to your web development

It lets you create a URL that will collect requests made to it, then let you inspect them in a human-friendly way. Use RequestBin to see what your HTTP client is sending or to look at webhook requests.

It makes HTTP requests.
Enter a URL, set some headers, view the response, then share it with others.
Perfect for demoing and debugging APIs.

Feed validator -

It's for check the syntax of Atom or RSS feeds

It's extracts links recursively from a Web site and checks that no link is defined twice, that all the links are dereferenceable and warns about HTTP redirects.