Friday, January 19, 2018

Ruby PRY

Pry is one of the great tool for debugging ruby based application. In this blog would like to show some of the cool features of the Pry.

Ruby - Array#bsearch

Array bsearch it's very handy and one of the fastest way to find a value from the array.

Let's do benchmark analysis, based on the result, bsearch more powerful than using array find method. 
require 'benchmark'

array_data = (0..100_000_000) do |x| { array_data.find {|number| number > 50_000_000 } } { array_data.bsearch {|number| number > 50_000_000 } }

user system total real
find 3.160000 0.000000 3.160000 ( 3.174570)
bsearch 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ( 0.000011)

It can find a match with only O(log n) complexity.